In KAKS10, two class teachers and their classes (5th and 6th grades) share facilities and work together every day across grade boundaries. Another aim of KAKS10 is to pilot a pair teaching model which does not involve a conventional shared classroom or traditional joint teaching model in which both classes are of the same grade. KAKS10 focuses on cooperation with themes independent of grades. In KAKS10, pair teaching is used as a term in place of joint teaching.
What is it all about?
KAKS10 56, or KAKS10 in short, is a new learning environment developed at the Tampere University Teacher Training School. The aim of KAKS10 is to develop the pedagogy of pair teaching in a flexible learning environment equipped with modern technology. KAKS10 is not a project, but a permanent operating method aimed towards changing the operating culture.
In KAKS10, two class teachers and their classes (5th and 6th grades) share facilities and work together every day across grade boundaries. Another aim of KAKS10 is to pilot a pair teaching model which does not involve a conventional shared classroom or traditional joint teaching model in which both classes are of the same grade. KAKS10 focuses on cooperation with themes independent of grades. In KAKS10, pair teaching is used as a term in place of joint teaching.
In KAKS10, two class teachers and their classes (5th and 6th grades) share facilities and work together every day across grade boundaries. Another aim of KAKS10 is to pilot a pair teaching model which does not involve a conventional shared classroom or traditional joint teaching model in which both classes are of the same grade. KAKS10 focuses on cooperation with themes independent of grades. In KAKS10, pair teaching is used as a term in place of joint teaching.
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